Math Games

“Learning is more effective when it is Active rather than a passive process.”

~ Kurt Lewin

  • Learn with Fun puzzles
  • Tickling sound for kids
  • Interactive fun
  • Three levels in each card

Mathematics is fun to play with as long as you be able to keep up with the rules and facts of key basics within. On a true note, it is impractical to retain every proven theory thusly by oneself from text’s had not discovered the real-time applications with modern methodologies in mastering even the complex tactics played by advanced math problems. Isn’t it more practical to approach one’s learning with realistic experiences from visual-aided pedagogy viewing at the comfort of their devices?

Our interactive math puzzles for kids in KS2 consist of visual simulations that help a child develop reasoning skills and make them a logical thinker. Math Puzzles encourages children to think analytically, thus helping them get different approaches to particular problems.

Feel free to enjoy

Addition Fractions
Compare decimals
Compare Equations
Fractions To Decimals
Group Count
Integer Addition
Integer Subtraction
Mixed Integers
Mixed Operations
Number Line Addition
Number Line Subtraction
Numbers To Words
Odd and Even
Place Value
Skip Counting
Subtraction Fractions